And while his father John was extremely charismatic, Joel struggled with anxiety and was super shy growing up. He reportedly didn’t even attend his high school prom because he was so shy. After high school, he went to Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma, but he returned home just one year later and suggested to his parents that he set up a television ministry for Lakewood Church. His father wasn’t as enthusiastic about this project, due to the growing number of televangelists asking for donations on television. He agreed to start the project, but only if they promised to not use their media platform to ask for contributions. Needless to say, Joel Osteen’s net worth was very little but that would soon change. For over 10 years, Joel directed and produced the weekly Sunday service. The program aired on a local Houston TV station and then later on a cable network. His father would often ask him if he wanted to deliver a sermon, but he would always refuse due to his shyness. But in early 1999, his father’s health was starting to decline, and during one poor health weekend, his father asked him to deliver the sermon for him. Joel initially declined, but then called back a few minutes and said yes. A nervous Joel delivered his sermon to over 6,000 members that Sunday morning wearing a pair of his father’s shoes for emotional support. 11 days later, his father died of a heart attack and Joel was forced to step in as pastor of the church. The church’s attendance started to grow at a rapid pace as people seemed to connect with Joel’s updated version of his father’s message. He would talk about marriage during his sermons and even urged wives to wear lingerie to strengthen their unions. We’re sure the husbands in the crowd loved him for that. From there, Lakewood’s attendance continued to grow and the broadcast started to air across the country. Joel’s nervousness was gone and he started touring U.S. Cities in one-night speaking engagements. This dude was selling out arenas. Not wanting to waste this success, Joel started to write a book. He published Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential in 2004, and it was a tremendous success. It became the fastest-selling nonfiction book in publishing history. Joel’s father might not have cared about the money, but Joel certainly did. In 2005, Joel moved Lakewood Church to the Compaq Center, which was the former home of The Houston Rockets. They spent over $90 million to renovate the arena and turn it into a 16,000-seat church. It’s estimated that the church brings in over $60 million a year. As of 2019, Joel Osteen’s net worth was reported to be $50 million. Most of the money comes from his tours around the world and his best-selling books. He has authored seven #1 New York Times bestsellers. Osteen’s wealth puts him in the millionaires club with Jay Z, Bill Gates, and Taylor Swift.