The story revolves around the main characters of the series including Minato Narumiya, a first-year at Kazemai High School, and Seiya Takehaya, Nanao Kisaragi, Masaki Takigawa, Diago Sase, and Shenichi Sugawara. The 14th episode opens with a photo shoot of the famous Japanese icon Noririn at the Yatanomori archery dojo. However, Masa is clueless about who Noririn actually is. All his friends, including Minato, are also unaware of the situation. However, Nano recalls that Sase – a member of the archery team – is a massive Noririn fan. Nano suggests to Masa that they should ask Sase for help. Masa calls Shu – a first year at Kirisaki High School – and asks him to convey the message to Sase. After all the wait and excitement, the day finally arrives, but all the other challengers of the school also appear and are waiting for the event. Sase is unable to control his enthusiasm and keeps obsessing over his idol Noririn, which causes embarrassment for everyone. However, Sase is not aware of the fact that he is making the situation awkward for everyone around him. At the end, the friends and the competitors are all together at the Yatanomori dojo. The episode will show the fans what happens when the two forces collide. In Japan, the archery based anime series “Tsurune: Kazemai Koko Kyudo-Bu” premiered on the country’s top most broadcast network, NHK General on October 22, 2018 and continued to run on air until January 21, 2019. The American licensing company, Sentai Filmworks licensed the Koyoto Animation’s television anime. The anime was streamed live and aired all over Japan on Crunchyroll and HIDIVE and was dubbed in the English language. The Sentai Filmworks will also sell the series for home entertainment. Takauya Yamamura made his series directorial debut through “Tsurune.” He is well known for his work in episodes 3 and 10 of “Sound! Euphonium” and episodes 7 and 12 of “Violet Evergarden.” The script was penned down by Michiko Yokote who is a famous Japanese anime screenwriter. Yokote is well known for his work in the famous “Shirobako, Children of the Whales” and “Karakai Jōzu no Takagi-san” before. The character designer, Miku Kadowaki, has put a lot of effort into keeping the innocence and simplicity of the characters.

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