Even contemporary researchers suggest that revenge is a form of establishing justice; in fact, the threat of revenge may serve as a form of protection. If one takes into consideration how the justice system works in most parts of the planet, the supporters of this theory seem 100% right. However, there’s a very thin line between calculated revenge and pure wrath. Our instincts and emotions should always serve a purpose; they should work toward justice. But a person’s judgment can grow blurry and poisoned from rage and the need for revenge. When this happens, things can get really ugly. If you don’t believe us, the following list of 25 Vicious Revenge Stories will definitely convince you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO2YbenMDX4 However, Mr. Ralsky experienced a taste of his own medicine. When a magazine article highlighted Ralsky’s lavish lifestyle, including his luxurious home, some people noticed the spam king’s physical address. His home address quickly spread across the Internet and Ralsky’s household received hundreds of pounds of junk mail each day for months. According to most historical accounts, King Dhanananda kicked him out from a royal party for being too ugly. Apparently, Chanakya had broken teeth and crooked feet. Chanakya got so upset that he cursed the king in front of everyone and evaded arrest by escaping to the jungle. He planned his revenge for years and eventually managed to overthrow the king. He replaced King Dhanananda with a kid he raised, named Chandragupta.   A few recently discovered letters from Army doctor Captain David Wilsey verified rumors that a group of American soldiers, in 1945, murdered every German SS guard they tracked down in the Dachau concentration camp because they “had it coming.” On March 13, 1940, Singh shot General Michael O’Dyer, the former lieutenant governor of Punjab in India, at a joint meeting of the East India Association and the Central Asian Society at Caxton Hall, London. Singh didn’t even try to flee; he waited there to be arrested for the murder he committed. After inviting Mohammad Rais to his house for some repair work, he first got him drunk. Then he put on loud music and killed the man by cutting his body into 12 pieces: one piece for each year he waited to avenge his dad’s loss. Boudica gave a promise to her daughters that she would one day take revenge for all they went through. She kept her promise. She led a revolt in 60 AD. Though her effort was ultimately a failure, she cut, impaled, crucified, and hanged any Roman who stood in her way. His political rival, Alexander Hamilton, kept sabotaging him in every way he could. Burr blamed Hamilton for his 1801 presidential loss to Thomas Jefferson. Three years later, Burr got his revenge. He shot and killed his political nemesis in a duel, even though duels were outlawed at the time. Peter never forgot this, though. When he eventually became the king of Portugal, he had her assassins killed, ripping their hearts out with his own hands. Joseph Harmatz was one of the so-called “Jewish Avengers” who carried out a mass poisoning of former SS men in an American prisoner-of-war camp in 1946. These avengers used arsenic as their poison of choice. More than 2,200 Germans became ill, and up to 400 died. Mr. Picaud was a French shoemaker who was accused unfairly of treason by three jealous friends. He ended up being jailed for nothing. While in prison, he befriended a priest who left him an immense fortune. He returned bearing an assumed name to avenge his unjust imprisonment. He went on a 10-year killing spree, murdering Loupian, Solari, and Chaubart, the three “friends” who had betrayed him. After Charles IX of France tried to reconcile the two biggest religious parties (Catholics and Protestants) in France and failed, things got personal for him. Driven by extreme anger, he commanded the execution of 100,000 people who had made the “mistake” of converting to Protestantism. Barreaux found his virtual opponent’s home and visited him only so he could stab him. He missed stabbing his victim’s heart by just an inch. Barreaux was arrested and sentenced to two years of prison. So, you know how this one goes, right? Hector kills Patroclus in battle, who happened to be Achilles’s best buddy. In order to avenge his death, the Greek warrior went all alone right outside Troy’s walls to challenge Hector. Achilles slaughtered the Trojan prince in front of his soldiers, father, wife, and brother, Paris. As if that wasn’t brutal enough, he used a chariot to drag Hector’s dead body back to the Greek camp. Most of them dispersed and became monks or tradesmen. Their leader, Oishi, went as far as to visit brothels, drink nightly and act obscenely. All this was to lure Kira and his men into a false sense of security. The 47 rōnin waited for two years, organizing the perfect plan to revenge their master’s honor. On January 30, 1703, they attacked Kira’s house and killed all his men. They gave Kira the option for seppuku, but he refused. Oishi then decapitated him with the same dagger that had been used to take his master’s life. The commands of the Greek general, Theodoros Kolokotronis, to his soldiers were very specific: “No mercy.” The Greek army destroyed the Ottomans in a bloody battle and then took control of the city of Tripolitsa. In the three days following the capture of the city, supporters of the Ottoman regime were slaughtered mercilessly.    In what may be one of the most cold-blooded acts of revenge in the 20th century, the Mossad agents sent letters to the families of the Palestinian terrorists who killed the 11 Israeli athletes, just before they planned to murder them. His vicious battles, mainly with the Ottomans and Saxons, are some of the most notorious in history. He’s legally to blame for the impaling of more than 100,000 people. In one of the most famous cases, he captured 341 wealthy locals who had sided with the Ottomans. After he took their riches, he had them and their children impaled while he enjoyed his dinner. Chili powder was thrown in his face and stones were hurled at him. As he fought back, one of the women hacked off his offending organ with a vegetable knife. A further 70 stab wounds were left on his body. One of them was a 60-year-old man named Enrico Dandalo. He was blinded and mocked by the Byzantines when he went to negotiate on behalf of Venice. Nearly 30 years later, blind and in his nineties, Dandalo led the sack of Constantinople in what may be one of the most satisfying acts of revenge in history. Thirsty for revenge, Clisson sold her properties to buy three ships and set about hunting down French ships in the English Channel. She went on killing entire crews as payback to the French King. Her epic piracy lasted for 13 years and earned her the nickname “The Lioness of Brittany.” After she was courted by the same tribe that killed her husband, she “kindly” replied that she needed a delegation of 20 of their most distinguished men to persuade her people as well. The delegation was sent and Olga gave them a warm welcome. After their arrival, she offered the invitation for them to bathe and relax in a fancy bathhouse. After the men entered, Olga ordered the doors to be locked. The building was set on fire and the men were burned alive. The pirates increased the ransom to 50 talents, which was still way too low in his own mind. He gave them the money they asked for … but also vowed to crucify them once he became a free man again. And he did just that! No one can claim that Julius Caesar didn’t keep his word. Alexander the Great preferred to negotiate before settling matters on the battlefield. For that reason, he sent some of his men to negotiate with the island of Tyre. The Tyrians, who probably had never heard of the Greek king and what he was capable of, killed these soldiers and threw their dead bodies into the sea. Even though Alexander got furious, he remained calm and ordered his men to build a causeway. The construction took over seven months; all the while, Alexander planned his revenge. When the causeway was ready, he invaded the island and slaughtered more than 8,000 Tyrians. He also sold 30,000 citizens of Tyre into slavery. The Khwarezmians thought that Khan was bluffing and had all of them arrested. Khan remained patient and decided to send three ambassadors to show that he was not a threat. But the Empire’s governor had two of them shaved and one beheaded before sending them back. Genghis Khan got really angry. And when we say angry, we mean ANGRY! He invaded the once-powerful Khwarezmia Empire and destroyed everything that stood in his way. Modern historians still struggle to recreate their language as the entire empire was destroyed. The United States detonated two nuclear bombs over the Japanese cities (not military camps) of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and August 9, 1945, respectively, an act of revenge for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict.  

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