Featured Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org (public domain) Note: the prevalent explanation as to the formation of the moon is the giant-impact hypothesis. It is exactly what it sounds like. Something smashed into Earth, released debris, and that debris formed the moon.   Photos: 24. Kelvinsong via wikimedia commons, 21. TStein via wikimedia commons, 20. Frettie via wikimedia commons, 13. wicker paradise via flickr, 11. Max Pixel, 10. Scott Robinson via flickr, 9. Claudio Rocchini via wikimedia commons, 8. Ian Mackenzie via flickr, 6. Mariordo (Mario Roberto Durán Ortiz) via wikimedia commons, 5. Davidboyashi via wikimedia commons, 3. Geek3 via wikimedia commons, 1. M.O. Stevens via wikimedia commons

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