Those are all valid answers, but even if you guessed them correctly, there are some incredibly bizarre Mormon rules that you’ve probably never heard of. Especially, when it comes to the Mormon Church and its rules regarding clothing, relationships, and food.

Check out our list of 25 bizarre Mormon rules you won’t believe are real!


Common Myths About Mormons

There are lots of rumors about the Mormon religion that just aren’t true. Here are some common myths you won’t believe to be true.

• Mormons can’t drink caffeinated beverages.  • Mormons can’t go to the movies.  • Mormons wear special underwear that turns white when they sin.  • Mormons don’t read the Bible. • Technology is forbidden to Mormons. • The church forbids women from giving a talk or a sermon or holding a leadership position. • Members of the Mormon Church cannot use birth control.  • There is no dancing among Mormons.  • Mormons are prohibited from celebrating holidays like Christmas, Halloween, and Easter as well as birthdays.  • Mormons aren’t allowed to wear makeup. • It is against the church law for members of the church to be part of the military.


      Mormons believe that following these practices will help them live with God in the afterlife and also be worthy of entering temples where they can participate in sacred ceremonies like marriages, baptisms, and endowments. The undergarments are called temple garments, which are worn daily by devout Mormons. If you’re a member of the church, you must abstain from sexual activity until you are married. This includes kissing, touching, and even heavy petting. Pornography is strictly prohibited.  Some people interpret this to mean that they should only eat meat on special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Others believe that eating meat is not discouraged at all, but it should be done with restraint.   Today, Mormons fast at least once a month. Members are encouraged to use their fasting time as an opportunity for personal prayer and spiritual growth. This is done to remember the hungry and impoverished in the world. If a person chooses not to fast during this time, they can donate money instead of food to those less fortunate. This means no shopping, school, work, or television–the list goes on and on. Mormons are also discouraged from using social media such as Facebook and Twitter unless it is for church-related purposes. They pray for the ability to do what is right, and for assistance for those they know who are in need. Mormons also have a weekly meeting where they discuss the scriptures and ask for guidance from God.  The reasoning behind this is that dating can interfere with a person’s ability to focus on their religious life and also because it could allow for physical intimacy before marriage.  A typical mission lasts two years, but it can be less or more depending on the length of time that church leaders feel is necessary. Members cannot live with their significant other before marriage. This doctrine is based on a passage from their Holy Books, which states that if a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death.   The church also believes that illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine are often used for pleasure which they say is selfish and dangerous to society. Mormons must avoid drugs, tobacco, and alcohol to remain in good standing with the church.  Mormons will also study church-published materials in order to gain insight into the doctrine. The Bible is one of the most important books in Mormonism because it contains a collection of scripture that was used by Joseph Smith as he created his new scripture called The Book of Mormon. In some circumstances, they may be permitted to take part in state-run lotteries that benefit charities, as long as the money isn’t being used for things contrary to their beliefs. That doesn’t mean you have to do everything they want or give in to their demands but it does mean that you spend a lot of time with them, show them love and make sure they know how important they are to you. If you enjoyed learning about Mormon Rules, you might also enjoy this article: 25 Most Bizarre Religions That Actually Exist

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